‘Witch’ beaten by own sons

More heartbreaking stories from Africa of the treatment meted out to those accused of witchcraft. This time, a Kenyan father who was beaten by his own sons after being accused by his estranged wife of being a sorcerer. Tied to a tree his sons beat him so badly he lost four teeth. They then tied him up in the barn […]


Mugwort is native to Africa, Europe, Asia and has spread to most parts of the world. It prefers nitrogenous soils and is commonly found on waste ground, roadside verges, embankments and uncultivated areas. Many consider it an invasive weed. It can grow up to 2m tall and spread quickly if grown in gardens. It is relatively easy to grow in […]


Peppermint is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint. There are two varieties, black peppermint and white peppermint. The white version has a more mellow flavour. In ancient Egypt, the herb was used for adornment and flavouring. The 17th century saw the herb grow in popularity as a digestive remedy. Today, the herb is used more for food flavouring. The […]

Nurse collapses after ‘witch’ encounter

A nurse in Zimbabwe has collapsed after encountering a witch sucking blood from a patient in a hospital. The nurse at Gweru General Hospital was doing her routine rounds when she entered a room only to find a patient with the drip removed and a ”witch” bent over sucking blood from him.


Part of the mint family, Lavender is thought to have originated in Asia but many varieties of the herb have found a natural home in the western world. Over thirty different varieties of the plant are commonly available so at least one is sure to be suitable for any witches’ herb garden! The flowers range from dark purple to light, […]

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a cactus like plant which grows in arid climes. Aloe is better known for its use in herbal medicine than herbal magick, but nonetheless, the easy growing nature of the plant and its wide variety of uses make it a worthy addition to the cupboard of any shaman, healer or witch. Aloe has a cactus like appearance […]

Planets more common than stars

A galactic survey of epic proportions has concluded there are more planets than stars. The downside is that the survey only used a sample size of one – our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Which means the survey could be highly unreliable. A team of scientists led by Arnaud Cassan at the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris, published their research […]

School refuses free pagan books

Bibles are good to go. Pagan books are not. That seems to be the message from one school in Weaverville who allowed Gideons International to drop off bibles that were distributed to children at the school. One child arrived home with the now familiar blue bible and his mother decided drop off some books at the school that explained her […]

Doomsday Clock moves one minute closer to doomsday

The Mayans are beginning to look like a race of geniuses. Thousands of years ago they were able to predict the end of the world and now the best brains in the world are catching up. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS), which includes Nobel Prize winners as its members have moved their symbolic Doomsday Clock one minute closer to […]