In the six of pentacles we see a well off gentleman giving money to beggars. In his other hand he holds a scales. We get a glimpse of a village or home in the background. The man is well dressed in luxurious clothes.
The scene contrasts sharply with the Five of Pentacles where two wretched souls made their way through the snow, the warmth and wealth of an institution reflected in a stained glass window holding five pentacles. Here, what looks like a wealthy gentleman has ventured out in the country, away from his village or home. We can see a building in the far off distances, perhaps telling us that the man has gone looking for people to help.
In his hand he holds the scales. The scales could represent the weighing of the options by the man. He can give the beggars money and have a good deed to his credit or ignore them. A sense of karma is reflected through the symbolism of the scales, that our good deeds will be weighed against our bad.
The man is turned towards the beggars. He is not throwing money at them as he hurries past, but seems to have the time to engage in conversation with them. He has carefully weighed how much to give them or if they are deserving of it. He seems to have little concern for giving away his wealth, safe in the knowledge that he has accumulated enough that he can spare the change he gives away.
Incidentally, the hand that drops the money to the beggars has two fingers folded down, another two extended out. It is a classical symbol to hold the fingers in such position when pointing to ‘as above, so below’.
The wealthy man’s face could be construed as looking like a strict or cruel person. Almost as if the beggars were an annoyance and throwing money at them will allow the man to go about his business. That he also holds the scales suggests that he might only give money to those he considers deserving of it, that he makes a judgement on who to give money to.
Sixes in general are associated with harmony, balance and consciousness and the six of pentacles embodies all these aspects.
In readings, the Six of Pentacles denotes that we are relatively well off whether spiritually or financially. Our relationships are doing well. Family life is harmonious. Finances are balanced with income and outgoings matching each other. The obvious suggestion of the card is that we should look to do good with our ”six pentacles” whether they be financial, spiritual or relationship based. We must weigh the options available to us and decide on the best action to take. This man seems to have carefully weighed the amount to give, or weighed his actions. We should not give blindly but give appropriately because we think it is the best thing to do. The man drops four coins to the beggars. Not six. Suggesting that he is conscious that he must not give away all his wealth.
A more subtle meaning of the card is that we may be in receipt of a donation shortly. Rather than being depicted by the man, we may be the beggars, The card suggests that when we get a donation, that we do not waste it for the scales will be used again on us and if we waste what we get, who’s to say whether we will be so fortunate next time? In the picture, the beggars are looking up gratefully at their donor. We must be grateful for the gifts we receive too, no matter how large or small.
Six of Pentacles Reversed
The Six of Pentacles reversed is a warning that we may be in danger of becoming miserly. We may be hoarding our wealth, ignorant that financial assets and material possessions are often the least valuable things in our lives. Perhaps we are being too picky in who we give money to. That we allow our ego and judgement to cloud our decisions to give to those in need.
The scales in the card could also suggest that we are being judged and that the balance is tipping into the negative.
When we give, we should give with an open heart. Not one clouded by ‘must give’ or ‘only give to those we deem worthy’. If there is any negative attitude or reservations about giving, it dampens the deed and karma holds it against us.