Saudi Arabia presents an image of itself as a modern Islamic country, one where many westerners work and live. But underneath the thin veneer of capitalism and the carefully crafted marketing campaigns, autocratic rule and persecution of minorities runs rife. None more so than the persecution and murders of those practising ”witchcraft”. Taking a page out of the Roman Catholic witch trials of the middle ages, Saudi Arabia has dedicated ”Anti Witchcraft Units” dealing with cases of suspected witches. Trials are held before judges based on Sharia law and death penalties for those accused of witchcraft are common.
Shockingly, in 2009 118 people were charged with witchcraft. By 2011 that number had risen to 586. It would be easy to wonder if the rise in trials is linked to the attempt by authorities to stamp out any dissent lest an Arab Spring should sweep them from power.

An excellent article at details the full extent of suppression in Saudi Arabia of witchcraft and pagan people and its ridiculous understanding of any religion bar Islam.
That those practising personal beliefs other than Islam should be put on trial shows the true nature of Saudi Arabia and is more in line with the middle ages than any claims to be a modern, progressive society.