Kinder chocolate is likely to contain known carcinogens which cause cancer and is mutagenic according to the German health authority.

Tests carried out on the chocolate that is famous for being marketed at kids as being tasty and ‘not all bad’ contained high levels of MOAHs (Mineral Oils Aromatic Hydrocarbons ), which occur when oils are highly refined.

The European Food Safety Authority has MOAHs listed as ‘likely carcinogenic and mutagenic’. Worryingly, they state that children are particularly at risk from  from MOAHs.

ferrero Nougat Minis

The watchdog tested over 20 different products and found three others that held high levels. Besides Kinder chocolate, Ferrero Nougat Minis, Sun Rice Classic Schokohappen and Lindt’s Fioretto Nougat Minis were also found to contain very high levels of MOAH.

The German watchdog informed the companies prior to releasing the results but the companies refused to withdraw products from shelves saying they were acting ‘legally’.

Quatar has announced testing of Kinder, Ferrero and Lindt chocolates to verify the results.  In what could be a snowball effect, other countries may soon follow suit.

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