A mother had been jailed for not vaccinating her child in the United States. Rebecca Bredow, of Detroit, Michigan had previously been ordered by a court to have her child vaccinated but refused to do so, stating that “I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

The case arose out of a dispute between her and her ex-husband who wanted the child vaccinated. Judge McDonald told Bredow that she understands she loves her son but “Dad gets a say.”

Clearly, the Judge was never going to side with anything other than the establishment when it came to vaccinating children. Brave Bredow stuck to her guns and on Wednesday (4th Oct., 2017), Judge McDonald sentenced her to a week in jail for contempt of court for not vaccinating her child.

Bredow claimed she and her ex-husband had opted out of vaccinations when they were together and her child was younger. His position only changed she said, after they had separated. Bredow said the vaccinations go against her beliefs and she should have made her concerns known sooner.


Rebecca Bredow

Supporters gathered outside the court in support of Ms. Bredow.

The Judge could always have abided by the Michigan laws which allow a parent to opt out of vaccinations for several non-medical reasons such as religious and philosophical beliefs, concerns over safety and a need for more information.

It’s unclear what will occur once Bredow is released from jail, whether she will still be forced into vaccinating her child. Surely, in that case, if the vaccination makes the child ill, Judge McDonald should be held accountable?