The Emerald Tablet and the Tao Te Ching

The Emerald Tablet is a short, cryptic piece of text that forms part of a collection of writings known as the Hermetica which are believed to be Egyptian – Greek in origin and written around 200AD. The author of the Emerald Tablet is unknown but the writings themselves claim Hermes Trismegist (“Hermes the Thrice-Greatest” – a Greek God) as the […]

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo – The hidden meaning

One of the most famous paintings by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel is that of the Creation of Adam, depicting the moment God created humankind. It is one of a series of paintings on the ceiling that give life to the story in Genesis. Other famous scenes include Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden and the Deluge (flood). […]

Jurors find Roundup contributed to 2nd man’s cancer

For the second time in eight months, a jury has found that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller contributed to cancer in a second man. Edwin Hardeman case was tried in federal court with thousands more lawsuits pending against Monsanto. Bayer, the global food and nutrition company that bought Monsanto, continued to claim today that glyphosate, the ingredient in Roundup linked to cancer, […]