The Nanny State

If you didn’t know what ‘The Nanny State’ meant, you’d be forgiven for thinking it almost sounds endearing. As if Nanny is somehow watching over you, keeping you safe in your childlike state, unaware of the big meanies out to get you in an ever more dangerous world. A quick search of the news throws up many examples of Nanny […]

Johnson & Johnson fined €515m for ‘fuelling opioid crisis’

Remember Johnson & Johnson? That stalwart that lurks in your kitchen cabinet with marketing names like Listerine, Aveeno, Johnsons Baby Lotion, Actifed, Band-Aid, Benylin and Clean & Clear among many more? That Johnson & Johnson that was recently ordered to pay nearly $4.7 billion to 22 women because its Johnson Talcum Powder was judged to have caused cancer? That Johnson […]

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is a (metamorphic) mix of rock, iron oxide deposits and red jasper, the latter giving the red layers that can be seen on closer inspection and the iron oxide giving it various hues of brown. Its formation gives it a chatoyant effect, meaning it changes colour in different light and angles. It resembles a tiger’s (or cat’s) eye […]

Veganism marches on – but is in danger of being over processed

Ask any vegan why they have chosen not to consume animal products and you’ll invariably get a reply firstly, about animal welfare and secondly, about our health – and in the broadest terms, our health includes the health of the planet we live on. Veganism, for the moment, is inextricably tied up with these two branches. And therein lies the […]