Acquarius is an air sign and one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. Its ruler is Uranus. Traditionally, Saturn ruled this sign and many astrologers view Saturn and Uranus as co-rulers. The description of Acquarius is that of the water bearer, a description that comes from Greek mythology. Ganymede was a beautiful young woman with whom the god Zeus […]
Acquarius Star Sign
Billions of microplastics in your tea – and their devastating effects on your health.
You might have ditched the coffee for tea thinking it might be better for you – but new research has revealed some teabags could be releasing billions of microplastics – far more than you ingest annually in one single cup – and you are drinking all of of them. Researchers at McGill University in Canada tested plastic tea bags in […]
The differences between sun sign, ascendant and moon sign
When we start looking at astrology we quickly learn that that it spirals down into ever deeper layers than just our sun sign. Key signs that influence us are our Sun sign (which is what most people are familiar with), our Ascendant and our Moon sign. Read on to find out the key differences between these and how they influence […]
The Microcosmic Orbit and its relationship to the cosmos
The Microcosmic orbit is reputed to give higher energy to the practitioner but in many ways, it mimics that which we see in the greater cosmos.
How to connect to the Universe – practical ways to strengthen your connection
In the 2009 film Avatar directed by James Cameron set on the planet Pandora, the Na’vi ‘tribe have the use of a ‘queue’ (like a hair braid) that houses tendril like connectors at its tail base that hook up with similar structures on the other Na’vi people, animals and even the forest itself. This connection is almost spiritual in nature […]
Amethyst is a relatively common quartz that attains its royal purple color from iron. It can vary in color from pale lilac to a deep purple – the deeper colors more likely to be turned into fine gemstones. Jewellers can intensify the color by applying heat to the stone. It is likely to shade strong at the tip and weaken […]
Mystery object in space coming our way could be alien craft – SETI Astronomer
Let’s talk aliens. Or talk to aliens – which could be sooner than you think if the claims made by a SETI astronomer turn out to be true. Hurtling thought space is a high speed object dubbed ‘C/2019 Q4’ and it’s heading our way with it set to fire past Mars in October. Scientists are still baffled as to what […]
New microscopes help capture the complexity of brain organisation
Stunning images have been revealed of the complexity of organ development by a new generation of microscopes that are able to process large data sets faster than existing microscope. In traditional microscopes, the user cuts the sample with a blade and then observes it under the microscope. A light sheet microscope uses a ‘sheet’ of light to cut the sample. […]
The Pendle Witch Trials
To put the Pendle Witch Trails into context, imagine it’s 1612. Witch trials are sweeping through Europe. The shadow of the bloody crusades, finished nearly 200 years ago, still cast their shadow over a continent. Europe is in an era when the power of Rome is being challenged by the Reformation. Christianity has split into Roman Catholic and Protestant. Religious […]
The Cathars, crusades and the Holy Grail – What really happened.
The Cathars is a term used to denote people who practised Catharism, a term not used by the Cathars themselves. Catharism was a form of Catholicism but their beliefs differed from that of the Roman Catholic Church. Their history is centered around the 12th-13th century but historic documents from Catharism itself are nearly non-existent due to purges carried out by […]