Virgo Star Sign

Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and it’s dates are August 23rd to September 22nd. Often depicted as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat, the image is often associated with fertility goddesses such as Assyrian Ishtar (from Babylon) of the Greek Persephone. It is also associated with the Greek Astraea, the last immortal to abandon Earth. […]

Leo Star Sign

The Leo Star Sign is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac and falls between July 23 and August 22. It’s symbol is that of the Lion and it is one of the fire signs. Leo’s are the signs rolling right into the limelight. They’ll happily take their place first, cameras flashing and the center of attention and it can […]

Gemini Star Sign

The Gemini star sign falls approximately between May 21st and June 21st and its symbol is that of the Twins. Immediately, the symbolism of the Twins gives rise to a duality – and this plays out in Gemini’s uncanny ability to see both sides to just about everything. In numerology, One (1) is the first manifestation of everything – it […]

Taurus Star Sign

Taurus (Latin for ‘Bull’) is the Steer of the Sky and this sign falls to those born between April 21st – May 21st. The first words that are invariably used to describe Taureans are dependable, solid, loyal and patient but once stirred to action, their temper can cause them to move to aggressive action and little will stop them at […]

Aries Star Sign

The Aries Star Sign is the first sign of the zodiac and its symbol is the Ram. A fire sign, Aries are very much in keeping with the personality of a ram and a ram that wants to come first! They are adventurous, outgoing, impulsive, independent and full of life. It is apt that Aries is the first sign of […]

Pisces Star Sign

The 12th and final sign of the zodiac, the Pisces Star Sign (February 19th – March 20th) is a water sign and its quality is mutable. Think of the trickle of water that bubbles up from the spring, flows down the mountain and becomes a small stream, winds its way further on and becomes the river, only to eventually flow […]

Acquarius Star Sign

Acquarius is an air sign and one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. Its ruler is Uranus. Traditionally, Saturn ruled this sign and many astrologers view Saturn and Uranus as co-rulers. The description of Acquarius is that of the water bearer, a description that comes from Greek mythology. Ganymede was a beautiful young woman with whom the god Zeus […]

The differences between sun sign, ascendant and moon sign

When we start looking at astrology we quickly learn that that it spirals down into ever deeper layers than just our sun sign. Key signs that influence us are our Sun sign (which is what most people are familiar with), our Ascendant and our Moon sign. Read on to find out the key differences between these and how they influence […]

Cancer Star Sign

The Cancer star sign is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and is a real family orientated sign. Water is the element of Cancer and it symbolises the emotional nature of Cancerians. Putting down roots, having a centered family life and close knit circles of family and friends that span all ages are all hallmarks of those born under the […]

Cardinal Signs

Signs in astrology can be grouped according to whether they are Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable and understanding this characteristic is crucial in being able to understand a birth chart. The interplay between the the element of a sign (fire, water, earth and air) and whether the sign is Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable can provide a great deal of basic information […]