The World

A wreath of laurel surrounds a naked female who holds a wand in each hand in The World. Winding around her is a purple piece of cloth. In each corner of the card, emerging out of clouds are various figures such as a lion, eagle, human and bull. She seems suspended in mid air.


An angel in the sky plays a trumpet in the 20th card of the Tarot, Judgement. (S)He has red wings and blond hair with wisps of fire emanating from the hair. A white flag with a red cross hangs from the trumpet. Below, people lift their arms up as if in praise, emerging from graves. In the distant background are […]

The Sun – Tarot

The Sun in the Tarot depicts a smiling baby sits on a white horse, holding a bright banner in its left hand. On the baby’s head is a king’s crown. The Sun looms large in the background, a face from within starting back at us and yellow rays radiating outwards. In the background seems to be some sort of wall […]

The Moon

The Moon in the Tarot is the 18th card of the Major Arcana and it is depicted with a face within. A dog and a wolf howl at the moon which appears above two stone towers. In the foreground a crustacean emerges from the water onto land. A path leads from the water and weaves its way between the animals and […]

The Star – Tarot

A naked female pours water from two jugs, one into the lake and the other empties onto the land. Kneeling, one of her feet is in the lake and the other on land. In the background are mountains and a tree with a bird perched on top. Eight stars are denoted in the sky, marking The Star in the Tarot […]

The Tower – Tarot

The Tower in the Tarot depicts a zig-zag lightening bolt strikes a tower, knocking its fiery crown off. Two people, one a king, are depicted falling from the tower, red flames coming out the three windows. The tower is grey, built upon a rock and the background is black. Grey clouds color the background along with twenty two pieces of […]

The Devil – Tarot

Staring out at the reader, the Devil in the Tarot is an imposing and striking figure. Seated on a cube to which a man and woman are chained, the devil points up with his right hand and down with his left hand which also holds a burning torch. The woman has a tail with fruit at the tip, the man’s […]

Temperance – Tarot

In the card Temperance of the Tarot, we see a winged figure or angel pouring water from one cup to another. On its head, is a circle and a triangle within a square is depicted on its chest. Clothed in a white gown, the wings of the figure are red. The angel has one foot in the lake, the other […]

Death – Tarot

Death in the Tarot is the thirteenth card of the Major Arcana. Death is a striking and foreboding looking card. Depicted is the grim reaper on horseback, wearing armor and carrying a blag flag emblazoned with a white flower. Beneath him are the dead – rich  and poor alike while in front of the horse a bishop or pope pleads […]

The Hanged Man

In The Hanged Man we see a man hanging upside down by one leg from a wooden cross. His right leg is bent and falls behind the left leg while his two hands are behind his back. His eyes are open and staring at us, a halo surrounding his head. Garlands can be seen decorating the cross.