King of Cups

The King of Cups depicts the King sitting upon his throne, holding a single cup in his right hand. Behind him is the sea, a ship sailing past. His throne is floating upon the water. In his left hand is a sceptre. A fish necklace hangs from his neck while the outline of a fish jumping from the waters can […]

Queen of Cups

In the Queen of Cups we see the queen sitting on a royal chair. Two baby mermaids are engraved into the top of the chair along with a representation of a sea shell. On the side of the chair we see another baby mermaid holding a fish. The chair is situated just on the shoreline, the river or beach pebbles […]

Knight of Cups

In the Knight of Cups we see a young knight on a horse, holding a cup before him. The background shows a barren landscape of mountains with a river running through it. On top of his helmet are two feathers. The knight’s visor is up.

Nine of Cups

In the Nine of Cups we see a content man sitting in front of his collection of nine cups. Apart from the gentleman and his array of cups, the scene is barren.