Page of Swords

The young Page of Swords stands atop a hill, sword drawn and held by two hands. His gaze seems to be cast backwards. The scene is set against a cloudy blue sky with ten birds flying in the distant background.

Will AI replace Tarot Readers?

Picture this: You go see a Tarot Card Reader. Upon entering the room, you notice it’s empty apart from a chair for you. Facing the chair is a screen, surrounded by a red curtain. A friendly voice asks you to state your question. After a few seconds, cards appear on the screen, are shuffled and then three selected. A movie […]

Life Purpose Oracle Cards – Deck Review

I’m a sucker for tarot, angel and oracle cards. I don’t view them as necessarily a divinatory tool but I do love looking through them, seeing the artwork and the meanings authors attribute to each card. The Life Purpose Oracle Card deck is one I purchased ages ago and never really got around to using it – maybe my life […]

The Sun – Tarot

The Sun in the Tarot depicts a smiling baby sits on a white horse, holding a bright banner in its left hand. On the baby’s head is a king’s crown. The Sun looms large in the background, a face from within starting back at us and yellow rays radiating outwards. In the background seems to be some sort of wall […]

The Hermit

A solitary figure stands holding his staff in one hand, a lantern in the other. Head bowed and clothed in a hooded cloak, The Hermit stands in a barren landscape. The Hermit can at first glance appear a lonesome figure, somewhat lost and isolated. But like all things tarot, there is a deeper meaning. With his staff and lantern, the […]


The Tarot card of Strength shows woman dressed in a white flowing gown tames or pats a lion on the head, the other hand on its jaw. Around her head and waste are garlands of leaves with the sign of infinity over her head. The background is a golden sky with forest and mountains in the distance.

Two of Wands

A young man gazes out across the land, holding in one hand a crystal ball or globe. His other hands rests on one of two wands positioned either side of him. He seems to stand atop a castle or fortification, a village immediately beneath him. In the distance are mountains and the sea.

Nine of Swords

Sitting upright in a bed, the character covers his face with his hands, as if in despair. In the background, the nine swords are horizontal, set against a black backdrop. The signs of the zodiac are woven into the bedclothes along with flowers. A carving is etched into the base of the bed.

Eight of Swords

The eight of swords sees a blindfolded lady standing among eight swords. The scene looks as if she is at the base of a cliff face, making her way along the shore. In the background, is a castle perched atop the cliff. Her hands are bound behind her back.

Seven of Swords

In the Seven of Swords we see a man carrying five swords. Another two swords stand behind him. A village of tents is visible in the background. To the left of the image, we see a group of people, perhaps armed with spears and / or swords.