The Tao Te Ching, written by Lao Tzu in the 6th Century BC (and possibly the 4th century BC), is an ancient Chinese text that forms the bedrock for Taoism. It appeals to a much wider audience than Taoists though because of its deep meaning and nearly an intuitive truth that can be felt. Composed of 81 sections, the Tao […]
Tao Te Ching – verse Thirty Two
How to elevate your consciousness
Being conscious isn’t this esoteric, mystical state of being that is only granted to the select few. Let’s face it, anybody who feels the need to tell you they are ‘conscious’ or ‘enlightened’ probably isn’t anyway. A boxer will never have to tell you he’s a boxer and somebody in a state of enlightenment will have no desire nor want […]
We’re not really human after all
Who are you? When we are asked that question, we usually start off answering with our name. ‘Yeah, but who are you?’ With a sigh we might begin to describe our parents, where we come from, our family or location. ‘Yeah, yeah, but who ARE you?’ Feeling a bit frustrated we begin to describe our cells and our bodies. It’s […]
The Externality of Us
In economics, an externality is a cost incurred by someone who did not choose to incur that cost. Most of the time, governments try to ‘internalise’ costs so that they are bourne by people who chose to incur them. For example, car tax is paid by the owner of the car. Someone who chooses not to drive does not incur […]