The Heart Connection

Where do we think? Or more importantly, how are we taught to think? In modern life, it is all about our brain. We rationalise everything. We analyse everything. We allow our brain to control almost every facet of our lives, from our waking to sleeping. It tells us we need to have this and that, it tells us not to […]

Conscious Living

Conscious Living is the embodiment of exercising your absolute free will. It means actively choosing at each moment of our lives what we eat, drink, think, wear, how we live, engage with and even avoid other people. It is more than mindfulness or awareness because conscious living brings all our senses to interact to create the life that we desire. […]

One week with No News!

Watching news and our wellbeing don’t really go hand in hand. Having a positive attitude to life while news bombards us with negative stories and emergencies just doesn’t seem to be a good kind of balancing act. Especially if you buy into the premise that our minds and what we think bring about our experiences, then watching the news seems […]

How to elevate your consciousness

Being conscious isn’t this esoteric, mystical state of being that is only granted to the select few. Let’s face it, anybody who feels the need to tell you they are ‘conscious’ or ‘enlightened’ probably isn’t anyway. A boxer will never have to tell you he’s a boxer and somebody in a state of enlightenment will have no desire nor want […]

Our thoughts affect others

The core of current thought on manifestation is that our thoughts have an ability to ‘manifest’ in this physical world and attract to us that which we are seeking. Which also means our thoughts affect others. We may not be able to precisely predict or understand how ‘manifestation’ comes about, but by practising manifestation, we begin to align ourselves with […]

Call to stop ‘complete the course’ for antibiotics

An article in the British Medical Journal has argued that the traditional ‘complete the course‘ advise given to patients who take antibiotics is not backed by scientific evidence. It may be prudent that patients should only take antibiotics until they feel better, argued a team led by Professor Martin Llewelyn at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

Dump the shampoo

There is a growing number of people ditching shampoos, conditioners and any hair products in favour of going au naturel. Before we go further into this, you should know there is a difference between going no shampoo and no washing. The former won’t kill you and probably do you a whole lot of good. The latter will just leave you smelling funny […]

Diet Motivation

I hate the word diet. Or at least I hate it’s modern connotations. When we think of “a diet”, we think of something special, that we are making a special effort or are somehow restricted to special foods. A diet is a sacrifice we are making. We are denying ourselves what we want or may be counting calories or avoiding […]

Finding your life goal

So many of us fall into the trap of just working our way through life. We go to jobs every day that neither inspire us or give us pleasure but make life that bit more comfortable. Often, it is for those dearest to us that we keep trundling along the treadmill, leading a reasonably comfortable life and looking forward to […]