The Sun in the Tarot depicts a smiling baby sits on a white horse, holding a bright banner in its left hand. On the baby’s head is a king’s crown. The Sun looms large in the background, a face from within starting back at us and yellow rays radiating outwards. In the background seems to be some sort of wall […]
The Sun – Tarot
Four million lab tests on animals in UK in 2015
The Home Office in the UK announced that 4.1 million lab tests on animals were carried out in the UK in 2015. The procedures and the pain inflicted on the animals are classified into “sub-threshold” (13%), “non-recovery” (6%), “mild” (51%), “moderate” (24%) and “severe” (6%). Of the 4.1 million tests, approx. 2 million are accounted for by the birth of […]
Diet Motivation
I hate the word diet. Or at least I hate it’s modern connotations. When we think of “a diet”, we think of something special, that we are making a special effort or are somehow restricted to special foods. A diet is a sacrifice we are making. We are denying ourselves what we want or may be counting calories or avoiding […]
Small Intestine – TCM
The Small Intestine in TCM is credited with the separation of solids and liquids. Food is digested and ‘ripened’ by the stomach, the essences are extracted by the spleen and then food travels to the small intestine where the turbid and clear are separated. From the small intestine, liquid waste is then sent to the bladder and solid waste to […]
EU caves in to Monsanto
The EU has temporarily extended the time period for the chemical Glyphosate, widely used in Monsanto’s Round-up ‘weed’ killer. The chemical, feared to cause cancer and disrupt human hormones, had been on a temporary licence pending testing by the EU.
Kinder chocolate likely to contain carcinogens
Kinder chocolate is likely to contain known carcinogens which cause cancer and is mutagenic according to the German health authority. Tests carried out on the chocolate that is famous for being marketed at kids as being tasty and ‘not all bad’ contained high levels of MOAHs (Mineral Oils Aromatic Hydrocarbons ), which occur when oils are highly refined. The European […]
Finding your life goal
So many of us fall into the trap of just working our way through life. We go to jobs every day that neither inspire us or give us pleasure but make life that bit more comfortable. Often, it is for those dearest to us that we keep trundling along the treadmill, leading a reasonably comfortable life and looking forward to […]
The Moon
The Moon in the Tarot is the 18th card of the Major Arcana and it is depicted with a face within. A dog and a wolf howl at the moon which appears above two stone towers. In the foreground a crustacean emerges from the water onto land. A path leads from the water and weaves its way between the animals and […]
Witch runs marathon – a world record?
Picture this – you spend months training for the London City Marathon. The day comes and psyched, you run the marathon dressed as a witch (why didn’t she just fly it?), complete with point hat and broomstick. Really proud after running 26.2-mile route over 3hrs 31mins, you submit your superb time to the Guinness Book of Records. That’s exactly what mother […]