Part of the mint family, Lavender is thought to have originated in Asia but many varieties of the herb have found a natural home in the western world. Over thirty different varieties of the plant are commonly available so at least one is sure to be suitable for any witches’ herb garden! The flowers range from dark purple to light, and yellow flowering Lavender is also available. They prefer dry, well-drained sandy or gravelly soils with plenty of sun. Putting the plant in peat or damp soils can encourage root rot which the plant is vulnerable to.


Lavender is one of the herbs mentioned as being used in the Temple of King Solomon for aspurging (cleansing a sacred space with water, in this case infused with lavender). It is still widely used in magick and witchcraft for cleansing, along with protection and strength. Add to any ritual bath or burn lavender incense for cleansing and protecting the ritual space.

Given its sweet aroma, the plant is also used in love spells and in particular chastity spells. In the middle ages, people believed that lavender and rosemary worn together would preserve a woman’s chastity. Men are said to be attracted by its aroma so pressed oil from the plant was worn by prostitutes to attract custom. The herb is considered a masculine herb. It can also be carried on the person to see ghosts or protect against curses and the evil eye.

Used in aromatherapy for soothing and relaxation, it will contribute greatly to any spell or herbal magick seeking to calm or de-stress an individual. Lavender incense or oil is the simplest way to work it into spells on a practical level. For example, include the leaves in a sachet or burn candles scented with lavender oil.

As a culinary herb, lavender tea can be easily purchased and lavender oil is used in salads.

To make a simple oil from this herb, soak the leaves in olive oil for at least a month until they have infused the oil fully. Dried stalks from the plant will burn much like incense sticks.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is associated with the Heart, Pericardium, Liver, Lung, and Large Intestine

Other Names: Elf Leaf

Planet: Mercury

Element: Air

Magickal Uses:
Cleansing, purifying, protection, strength, love

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