Staring out at the reader, the Devil in the Tarot is an imposing and striking figure. Seated on a cube to which a man and woman are chained, the devil points up with his right hand and down with his left hand which also holds a burning torch. The woman has a tail with fruit at the tip, the man’s […]
The Devil – Tarot
Temperance – Tarot
In the card Temperance of the Tarot, we see a winged figure or angel pouring water from one cup to another. On its head, is a circle and a triangle within a square is depicted on its chest. Clothed in a white gown, the wings of the figure are red. The angel has one foot in the lake, the other […]
Melon, Kiwi & Kale Smoothie
Kale can be difficult to incorporate into smoothies without its seaweed/cabbage taste overpowering the other fruits. I find this smoothie great as it’s easy to make and secondly, it’s a great starter base for adding in other fruits and vegetables. It can be filling enough to have as a breakfast without being overcome by hunger half an hour later.
Shaman Vs Oil Giant
In a David and Golith battle, a lone Shaman in Western Siberia is the only thing standing between a multi billion oil giant and a sacred lake. The Khanty tribe consider Lake Imlor in the Surgut region of the Khanty-Mansiisk district sacred and a local shaman is the only person left living near the lake and preventing oil giant Surgutneftegaz […]
Pentaquark confirmed by CERN
In yet another step towards discovering the smallest possible particles that make up our universe, CERN have confirmed the existence of the pentaquark. This little beauty was actually predicted as far back as 1964 by American physicist, Murray Gell-Mann, who went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work. Gell-Mann theorised that particles known as baryons, which […]
Death – Tarot
Death in the Tarot is the thirteenth card of the Major Arcana. Death is a striking and foreboding looking card. Depicted is the grim reaper on horseback, wearing armor and carrying a blag flag emblazoned with a white flower. Beneath him are the dead – rich and poor alike while in front of the horse a bishop or pope pleads […]
Large Intestine – TCM
The main function of the Large Intestine in TCM (‘Da Chang’ ~ ‘Great Intestine’) is to receive the remains of food sent down from the small intestine, absorb the good fluid from it and send the solid waste to be excreted. On another level, this also applies to our emotional wellbeing and those holding onto old feelings or going through […]
Connecting to Nature
Modern life has disconnected us from the earth, from where we came. We live in modern houses, made from industrial material, insulated, sound proofed and if we have a garden, we consider ourselves lucky. Our cars, full of metal and plastics, whiz us from our doorstep to offices, themselves structures of the artificial. We may take the subway, running deep […]
Pope Francis tackles Climate Change
Pope Francis tackles climate change with the release of his Encyclical Laudato si’. The document, running to 191 pages, continues the Pope’s shift away from the formality of previous popes and displays a genuine and down to earth approach to the issue. Many of its themes will resonate with those of differing faiths, including paganism and in particular, there are […]
Haunted House up for rent, Liverpool
A reportedly haunted house plagued by a poltergeist is up for rent with RightMove. The listing, by Plus Dane Group, notes that previous tenants “have advised us that they have experienced paranormal activity at the property.” The Liverpool Echo carries a report that the previous tenant, Lekeisha Davis, 26, ran from the haunted house terrified after spotting a ghost in […]