Yoga has been paired with dogs, cats, cardio, food and strength training. Throw in Yoga for couples, bed Yoga, intimate Yoga, Baseball Yoga and quickly you get a sense that Yoga can be practised anyway you like. The benefits of Yoga are immense and because it is not a religious practise, it means it can be interwoven with the very essence of life itself. Indeed, the word ‘Yoga’ is commonly taken to mean ‘union’ so it’s no surprise to see so many Yoga pairings. Translating Yoga as Union is meant to give a sense of the connection of Yoga with everything else around us, from our daily lives, to the external environment to our deepermost beliefs and thoughts.

In Ireland, the native language is Irish and Irish itself is thousands of years old with a history that stretches right back beyond the pyramids of Egypt. The earliest evidence of human settlement in Ireland dates to about 8,000 years ago. Yoga is probably over 5,000 years old. Both traditional pagan practises in Ireland and the very roots of Yoga are founded in shamanic practises. Newgrange, a prehistoric passage tomb in Ireland dates to around 5,000 years ago.

Newgrange, Ireland. Image from

So it’s with a lot of joy that I discovered some Yoga Nidra (Yoga Sleep) ‘as Gaeilge’ (‘in Irish’). Sui Mindfulness, founded by Derval Dunford and Mick Hogan, have created some free soundtracks for Yoga Nidra – both English and Irish version. Sui means ‘sit’ in Irish. Sui Mindfulness is based in Westport, Co. Mayo, right along the Wild Atlantic Way.

The first track, ‘Slis Ama’ (Slice of Time) was inspired by meditation stools and a quote from John O’Donoghue, an Irish Poet and author. Writing about trees, John O’Donoghue describes them;

Much of our experience is literally superficial; it slips deftly from surface to surface. It lacks rootage. The tree can reach towards the light, endure wind, rain, and storm, precisely because it is rooted. Each of its branches is ultimately anchored in a reliable depth of clay. The wisdom of the tree balances the path inwards with the pathway outwards.

-John O’Donohue (Eternal Echoes)

On the decision to translate the soundtrack to Irish, the track listing describes it as a way to further root the sound into an authentic Celtic practise and offers a unique experience to anyone who does not speak Irish but would like to connect with Celtic Spirituality.

The track can be downloaded for free HERE (an email is required).

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